Arts, Education, and Community Building
Hey everyone, we are your 2024 SAAFC Board and we're so excited to get to work!
South Asian Americans for Change (SAAFC) is 501c3 non profit organization committed to dismantling the stigma of mental health and promoting emotional, physical, and social wellbeing through arts, education and community-building events
Last night was incredible ... everyone at SAAFC is incredible. Please follow that organization. Please follow that organization, they are doing the f*cking work and they are some of the kindest people I have met. The hospitality, the organization of the event, every single detail and I have been to South Asian events, and you guys know, they were not always the best. That room was filled with warmth, love and actual community and [SAAFC] did that. And that's not to be taken lightly ... [SAAFC] is the real deal. That's all I have to say. Every single thing they talked about was so thoughtful, so intentional.
Award-winning Singer, Songwriter, Composer
Annika Sharma
I cannot emphasize enough how much this team put into this event. When passionate people come together, small steps become huge changes. @saaforchange may have just begun but sometimes you know when you witnessed something special about to take off and this was one of those nights.
Host and founder of ThatDesiSpark, Author of romcoms featuring South Asians
Rohit Gijare
What an INCREDIBLE night! @saaforchange thank you for having me as a panelist alongside these amazing individuals! Proud to be part of creating pathways for South Asians to tackle mental health issues in our society.
Choreographer and Dancer. Mira Nair's Monsoon Wedding and Yash Raj Film's Come Fall in Love
Nina Davuluri
I often think about the Hamilton song “The Room Where It Happens” and have lately been asking myself: where are these rooms & what does it mean to be in them? And what I know for sure is: impactful change starts with a small group of people who care enough - and are courageous enough - to take the first step in having conversations like ours today. I truly believe that when we speak our truth, it allows others the space to do the same. And by doing that today, we created the room where it happens! And all of us will forever be a part of this change. I know many people left feeling seen, valued, and heard - which ultimately, is all we can do for each other. Thank you, again for your hard work in executing this event, it was perfect in every way!
2014 Miss America, Writer and Producer of the documentary COMPLEXion
Mitul Desai
Breaking the silence around mental health in the South Asian community isn’t just vital - it’s kind of revolutionary. Growing up as a child of immigrants teaches you resilience and the importance of hard work. But the pressure to succeed and project strength made talk of mental health taboo. Yet, it’s the ultimate irony, because prioritizing your mental health is the very key to unlocking true success. That’s why initiatives like the [SAAFC] docuseries #breakingthesilence ... are so important. They’re not just platforms for dialogue, they are the steps towards changing the culture.
Founder of The Care Hack, Director of NAMINYC Metro. Mental Health Entrepreneur
Payal Desai
The Panel I was on last night ... the conversation was so powerful and focused on duality and identity. It was sponsored by SAAFC ... I always thought my inability to allow alcohol into my life in a healthy way like many people do, I always thougth it was a weakness. But it turns out it's not a weakness, it's a superpower. I finally came to that moment last night [at the Healing thorugh Art Gala]. It will probably stay with me for a very long time, probably my whole life. In follow up conversations I had with people after the panel and I got to connect with people, what I realized, when you own what you thought was a weakness ... and you really can say them out loud, first of all you give permission to others to feel through whatever they are going through, and to turn what they think their weakness is into a super power as well ... This just shows me there is more that connects us than divides us.
Influencer, Teacher
Nadia Jagesar
OH WHAT A NIGHT! The @saaforchange Healing Thru Art Gala was definitely a night ot remember! An evening of thoughtful discussion, an inspiring art market, and performances from some of my favorite people. Taking small steps to help move the needle forward and bring awareness within our smaller communities is something we can all do together. I'm in awe of how multi-talented, smart, and driven my friends are!
Breakout Star of Netflix's Indian Matchmaking, Entrepreneur, Model